deploy nodejs to netlify
app script
laravel (function) helper
digital ocean + app platform + laravel + github
laravel spatie permission
laravel jetstream
laravel spatie actvitilog
php multi level category
git init
add to stage ->
git add .
save ->
git commit [-a][--ammend] -m "message"
-a = automatically add to stage
--ammend = ammend last commit message
branch ->
git branch [-a][-r][-d]
-a = local/remote branch
-r = remote branch only
-d = delete branch
git checkout [-b] <branch name>
-b = create and move to new branch
git push origin -d <branch name>
delete remote branch
git merge <branch name>
git remote add origin <url>
fetch ->
git fetch origin
git merge origin
git pull origin
push ->
git push [--set-upstream] origin <branch name>
--set-upstream = push new locally created branch
clone ->
git clone <url.git> [-b <branch name>]
revert ->
git revert HEAD --no-edit
revert latest changes and commit
--no-edit = skip commit message editor
git reset <commit hash>
[kiv] git remote add origin
git remote show origin
git status [--short]
?? - untracked
A - files added to stage
M - modified files
D - deleted files
git log [--oneline]
gitlab protected branch ->
settings > repository > protected branches